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Invisalign Melbourne

Invisalign Melbourne

Get your dream smile with Invisalign—the clear alternative to traditional braces for the perfect, straight teeth you've always wanted!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic system that utilises a set of clear aligners that gradually move and straighten your teeth from their current position. The process is simulated beforehand so you can see exactly how your teeth will look before you begin. We can even make modifications or changes to give you the perfect smile you’re looking for.

Invisalign is ideal for adults wanting to improve their smile without the appearance of traditional braces. We also offer Invisalign for teens who don’t want traditional braces also.

The advantages of Invisalign over traditional braces include:

  • Clear and virtually invisible
  • Removable for eating and cleaning your teeth
  • Ability to view your treatment and end result prior to beginning
  • 6-8 weeks between review appointments
The most well known and reputable clear aligners worldwide
Ideal orthodontic treatment for adults
Clear and comfortable

What is the Invisalign Process?

After a thorough discussion with your dentist regarding your current concerns and what you would like to achieve, they will be able to assess your teeth and advise whether you are suitable for the Invisalign treatment.

If you wish to go ahead, your dentist will take impressions, x-rays and photos and send them off to an Invisalign laboratory who will then send back a simulation of your treatment. This simulation will show step by step what will be required to transform your teeth, how many aligners will be necessary and how long the treatment will take. It is at this point that you and your dentist can make modifications and changes to the treatment if necessary. Once we approve the treatment, your aligners will be manufactured and sent to our clinic.

Once we receive your aligners, we will make a series of appointments to give you aligners, cover any instructions and to monitor your treatment. At the end of your treatment, you will be given retainers to maintain the position of your teeth.

Could it Really Work for Me?

Yes it could! Talk to your dentist about your desire for Invisalign and we will be able to assess and advise whether the Invisalign treatment is right for you.

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